Report Date: has been quite a busy summer for all of us involved with the MLPA Initiative in the south coast study region. We are delighted to report that earlier this summer more than 900 people attended the eight evening open houses held over a period of two weeks. The open houses provided the public an opportunity to review and comment on the six different "Round 2" draft proposals, resulting in more than 800 comments, suggestions and ideas that will help guide the stakeholder group members as they move into the third and final round of MPA proposal development. This level of public interest (and passion) is exactly what we had hoped for, as it will help ensure we devise the best possible outcome for our shared coastal resources.
Within each MLPA Initiative group, the wheels continue to turn as well. The science advisory team has been diligently conducting scientific evaluations, the blue ribbon task force has provided guidance for the development of Round 3 proposals (see FAQ below for more details), and the members of the regional stakeholder group continue to demonstrate their dedication and willingness to collaborate, even when finding "middle ground" seems challenging.
In addition to all the activity in the south coast study region, the last few months also saw the beginning and ending of the planning process in two other study regions. In June, we began initial outreach efforts and collaborative data collection in the north coast study region. And on August 5, the California Fish and Game Commission adopted the blue ribbon task force's "Integrated Preferred Alternative" for the north central coast study region, bringing a two-and-a-half year, intensive, stakeholder process to conclusion.
As we prepare to move into the home stretch in the south coast, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Cathy Reheis-Boyd as the new chair of thetask force. We are excited to continue the planning process under Cathy's leadership, and extend our most heartfelt thanks to former Chair Don Benninghoven for his tireless efforts.
~Ken Wiseman, Executive Director
Meeting Hightlights
A complete list of upcoming meeting dates through December 2009 can be found on the MLPA Initiative website.
Blue Ribbon Task Force
July 28 & 29, 2009 Agenda & Meeting Materials
On July 28-29, the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF) held its ninth public meeting at the Sheraton Delphina in Santa Monica. This meeting focused on the outcomes of the Round 2 marine protected area (MPA) proposals. The task force received the following:
* Evaluations of draft and revised MPA proposals from the MLPA Master Plan Science Advisory Team (SAT), California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), California Department of Parks and Recreation and MLPA staff.
* An interactive stakeholder panel provided overviews of draft and revised MPA proposals and insights into specific geographies within the MLPA South Coast Study Region.. This panel consisted of work groups of the MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group (SCRSG) and from groups external to the SCRSG process.
* Guidance from the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force on Round 3 MPA proposal development. The task force emphasized the need to meet MLPA Master Plan Science Advisory Team (SAT) and DFG feasibility guidelines where possible. In those rare exceptions where work groups chose not to meet SAT and DFG guidelines, SCRSG members should be explicit about the tradeoffs and the decisions reached on which guidelines or interests were intended to be met with the placement of a given MPA.
* SAT evaluations of each of the six Round 2 MPA proposals including: size and spacing, habitat representation and replication, bioeconomic modeling, marine birds and mammals, and results from the Ecotrust analysis of socioeconomic impacts to commercial and recreational fisheries.
* Evaluation of Round 2 MPA proposals with respect to DFG's feasibility guidelines for developing MPA designs, regulations and boundaries.
* Evalution of Round 2 MPA proposals with respect to the California Department of Parks and Recreation's guidelines for developing MPAs as well as a staff evaluation for meeting goal 3 of the MLPA.
* All work groups: Directed to improve achievement of SAT guidelines, better conform to DFG feasibility criteria, and garner cross-interest support.
* Work group 1 direction: Continue to achieve a high level of cross-interest support and improve achievement of SAT guidelines. • Work group 2 direction: Continue to seek efficiency of MPA design and improve achievement of SAT guidelines.
* Work group 3 direction: Continue to address SAT guidelines and strive to achieve preferred SAT guidelines.
* Sign up for the MLPA email list
* Attend meetings or view live or archived webcasts of meetings
* MLPA Initiative is on Facebook! Join the MLPA Initiative group on Facebook for the latest MLPA news
* Submitting feedback on documents open for public comment
* Participating in workshops, open houses and pubic information presentations
* Contacting a member of the regional stakeholder group
* Submitting comments, ideas and suggestions to
* Circulate South Coast News far and wide to help ensure others in your community are aware of the MLPA Initiative, upcoming meetings and opportunities for public involvement
* Distribute the MLPA Initiative brochure - post it on your website, circulate it via listservs and/or print it for distribution at community events
* If you are a leader in your community and/or have access to a large number of constituents, become a Key Communicator. Contact the Public Outreach and Education Team via email or call 310-738-2665 to learn more.
Report Date:
Contact: Carrie Wilson, Communications Office, . California Outdoors Q&As: Are hunters a threat to hikers and campers? *** View this......
Report Date:
California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative Announcement Who: MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group What: Eighth meeting and......